Niko Logan Parker

They/Them or He/Him + 20 + trans/gay? bi? mlm/ace + white

Professional Internet Clown, Amateur Artist, Writer, Polyglot, Nerd, Kinda-Gamer, Photographer,
Can Check Your English Homework For You.

Talk to me about marvel, borderlands, or the damned clown movies please.


Hi! My name is Niko. I am a disabled 19 year old college student, amateur artist, writer, and musician. I'm a psych + edu dual major!

I have a lot of interests including Marvel Comics, Borderlands, PJO/HOO, Soul Eater, FMA:B, and, most recently, the IT movies, which I'm probably still obsessed with while you're reading this...

I write stories and fanworks, draw, do nature photography and portraiture, play guitar, and make small stuffed animals.

I speak English, Spanish, and German with varying degrees of success, but I'm always learning!

Icon from here

Commissions + Links

As stated above, I am an artist, and I do commissions!

I have base prices:
-Art Commissions: $10 per character, +$2 for backgrounds
-Writing Commissions: $2 for every 500 words
-Stuffed Animals (just mice for now): $10 (+shipping if international)
-Icons: $5 each

Contact me at either twitter link or the tumblr link below for more info. (If any links are broken please let me know!)

Here are examples of my art from 2018 and later: more TBA

Here are icon examples I have made
-I deleted most of them when I had to wipe my hard drive a few months back, I'll add more as I make them

These mice are handmade and fit in the palm of your hand.
Please contact me for your choice in patterns/colors, buttons, etc.